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Automatic Positioning Motor Driven Cutter

发布时间:2021-11-26 12:24:33  浏览量:737

1.cut the card which will be divided off along front end at 1.5mm can see the cut card above

3.there are three locate- position points in the model, push the card board in the window of model, and set the card board to this three point to locate

4.plug on, press the power button(the green one is on ,red one is off)

5.after putting the card board in the model, a card will be cut out if you step on the foot-step one time. will punch the cards in order(the cards is out automatically from the model)

7. when you punch the card, pay attention that put the hand out of the organic segregating board.

8.the operator must be careful when he does this operation.

9.this is the punched card above